Flu and COVID Boosters Autumn 2024

Dear Patient, We will be starting our vaccine programme at the practice from October. We will be offering Flu and COVID vaccines to all those eligible. We will be able to administer these in the same sitting. Please note, if you would like to have your vaccines separately at different times we are also able

Electronic Prescriptions

If you get regular prescriptions, the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) may be able to save you time by avoiding unnecessary trips to your GP.

EPS makes it possible for your prescriptions to be sent electronically to the Pharmacy or Dispenser of your choice.

Choosing a Pharmacy or Dispensing Appliance Contractor to process your EPS prescription is called nomination.

This means you’ll no longer have to collect a paper repeat prescription from your GP Practice – instead, you can go straight to the nominated Pharmacy or Dispensing Appliance Contractor to pick up your medicines or medical appliances.